Monday, 2 September 2013
IS THERE A BETTER WAY TO PREVENT TYPE 2 DIABETES IN MEN?Type 2 diabetes is an increasingly common problem. When present it reduces the overall quality of life. The health care costs to treat people with diabetes are high. Type 2 diabetes tends to run in families. The likelihood of developing the disease increases with age and is more common in men than women in Australia. Most importantly, we know that the onset of diabetes is strongly related to obesity particularly when the excess body fat is around the belly. Previous research based in Adelaide found that men at particular high risk for developing diabetes were aged 50 or more, had a waist circumference over 95cms and a low level of the main sex hormone, called testosterone. There are a number of reasons why a low testosterone level in men might increase the risk of developing diabetes. Testosterone decreases fat mass, increases muscle mass, improves metabolism and perhaps arguable of most importance it may increase motivation to improve lifestyle. In a world first the T4DM study will investigate whether supplementing testosterone in men with low testosterone levels along with a dedicated weight loss program may prevent progression to diabetes. Men aged 50 – 74 are being sought for this $4.8M groundbreaking study. Men can go to the online questionnaire at www.t4dm.org.au or call the study information line 1300 865 436 to determine their eligibility. If eligible they will be given a request form to have blood tests that will measure their testosterone and glucose levels. If these results show low testosterone and pre-diabetes they then will be invited to join the study. The T4DM study will involve 2 years of treatment (3 monthly injections) or placebo at a study centre plus free access to a weight loss program. The study is Australia wide and the NSW centre is based in the Andrology Department of the ANZAC Research Institute, Concord Hospital For more information about the study and to participate, please visit the T4DM (Testosterone 4 the prevention of Diabetes Mellitus) study website: www.t4dm.org.au The study is funded by the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) |